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The skin diseases are common worldwide. The countries in process of development, infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy and onchocercose are common, while in developed countries, inflammatory disorders such as eczema and acne are common.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Psoriasis symptoms

What are the main symptoms of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is manifested as red or pink papules and plaques rounded, well defined, in which to identify dry and whitish scales, which are easily removed scratching, leaving blood stains

Another symptom is related to the distribution in the body, being more frequent on the elbows, knees, scalp and skin folds such as armpits, groin, umbilicus, and perianal contour. Exposed areas usually are not very affected.

The nails may also be involved. Itching is common, especially on the scalp and genital area, sensitive parts and there may be some arthritis, joint inflammation and pain.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Skin cancer center
The treatment of skin cancer depends on tumor type, stage of its evolution, its size and location as well as your overall health and medical history. In most cases, the goal of treatment is to remove or completely destroy the tumor.

Before the consultation, it is useful to make a list of things to ask. To make it easier to remember what the doctor said, take notes or use a recorder. Some patients prefer to be accompanied by a family member or friend when they speak with the doctor.

The doctor may refer a patient to a specialist or the patient may ask you to do. Specialists who treat skin cancer are dermatologists, surgeons and radiation oncologists.

Obtaining a second opinion:

Before starting treatment, patients should get a second opinion on the diagnosis, disease stage and treatment plan. Gather the results of medical tests and prepare to consult another doctor may take some time. In most cases, a brief delay does not diminish the effectiveness of treatment. To be sure, talk to your doctor about this delay in starting treatment. In severe cases treatment must be immediate.

Key questions to inform the doctor before treatment:

• What is the stage of cancer?

What are my treatment options? What are the benefits of each type of treatment?
What are the risks and possible side effects of each type of treatment? You can avoid the side effects?
The treatment may affect the appearance? If the treatment affect my appearance, or a plastic surgeon can help?
• How will treatment affect daily life? For how long?
• What is the estimated cost of treatment? This treatment can be paid by insurance?
How often have need to consult the review?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a disease that up to today has no cure, but there are medicines that help to calm and slow the progression of the disease. Successful treatment depends on severity of disease. The choice of treatment depends on the following factors:

The type of psoriasis

  The extent and severity of psoriasis

  Age, sex and condition of the patient's life

   The patient's response to previous treatments

  Little severe psoriasis

Normally, when the psoriasis is not severe, the doctor prescribed cortisone creams based, not reduce the doses of treatment abruptly, but gradually

Creams rich in vitamin D3 are also used to treat mild psoriasis and treatment based on tar and salicylic acid as a low concentration, the latter being the latest treatments.

Psoriasis with some gravity

Nowadays the most common treatments used are based on treating drug psoralen, which increases the responsiveness of skin to light, immunosuppressants (new treatment), treatment based on methotrexate, injectable form directly extracted from the blood once a week, this treatment is one of the best on the market.

Biological treatments psoriasis:

      The etanercept anti-TNF-Alfacom, adalimumab, infliximab;
      Modulators of T lymphocytes, such as efalizumab and alefacept.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


What is Psoriasis?

It is a hereditary skin disease with various types and stages. Psoriasis affects about 3% of the population in Western countries.

Psoriasis is an incurable skin disease and not contagious, nor by blood transfusion, being hereditarily transmitted by genes of psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis comes from the Greek word, has the meaning of itchy rash. It is a chronic, hyperproliferative skin condition of unknown etiology, showing a wide range in severity and distribution of skin lesions.

Most cases only skin is involved, there was no involvement of other organs or systems. There may be small percentages and associated arthritis.

Both men and women are equally affected, aged between 20 and 45 years may, however, arise at any stage of life and often in white-skinned people but is rare in blacks, Indians and Asians.

How to Prevent Psoriasis:

A moderate sun exposure is beneficial.

Virus infections can trigger psoriasis.

In patients with HIV infection, the skin suffers negative changes.

Stress and nervousness, severe or constant, in most patients, can trigger or aggravate the course, the opposite more quickly helps treat psoriasis.

Drugs in general, such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, injections, beta-blockers, antimalarials and some anti-inflammatory drugs for pain or rheumatism, should be avoided.

Avoid hormonal disorders, metabolic, climatic variations


• Topics: ointments, baths on the skin.

Phototherapy: ultraviolet light.

Systemic: oral, injection (also called internal).

Drug treatment immunobiological: (Raptiva, Enbrel, Remicade)

• Cleaning the fish.



    Wednesday, November 2, 2011


    What is melanoma?

    Melanoma is a type of skin cancer, he initially attacks skin cells, melanocytes. To understand melanoma, it is useful to know the skin and melanocytes, their function, how they grow and what happens when they become cancerous.

    The skin is the body's largest organ, protects against heat, sunlight, and wound infections. It helps regulate body temperature, stores water and fat and produces vitamin D.

    Melanoma is a type of cancer that affects epithelial tissue, specifically the skin, which represents 7% of all types of skin cancer, the most serious.

    Melanoma can be cured if diagnosed early, but if not, the cancer can advance and spread to various parts of the body very quickly, so please always pay attention to new signals that may exist.

    In America 12.000 to 14,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Comes from melanoma cells, which produce the pigment melanin which changes the color of the skin, usually the most Malanomas are black and brown, but you can also be red and pink.

    Skin Cancer

    How to prevent and detect skin cancer.

    Today skin cancer is the most common in Caucasians, excessive sun exposure is considered the most frequent cause of skin cancer.

    What are the most common types?

    Actinic Keratosis: Precursor to Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    basal Cell Carcinoma


    • Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    What are the main risk factors?

    Skinned and freckled;

    blond or red hair;

    Blue or green eyes;

    Sunburn easily, tan difficult;

    Fund burning the soles;

    Irregular and intermittent exposure to the sun;

    Many signals throughout the body;

    Family history of melanoma in;

    People with many signs are advised to do self-examination of the skin about once a month. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist.

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